Apple macOS Siri: why does Siri not know, which language a text is in?

This is quite an annoyance and I find it fascinating that even in 2020 Apple seems still unable to solve this challenge. Having Siri read text on macOS is quite handy.

If you are not from an english speaking country, you will face the problem, that Siri is currently unable to know which language the text is in, which is being read. This leads to veyr bad results as the reading voice is strictly following the setting in System Preferences > Accessability > Speech > System Voice.

  • English voice selected → all articles will be read as if they were written in english
  • German voice selected → all articles will be read as if they were written in german

The result is that half of the articles can not be understood. Users are forced to always remember to switch to the correct System Voice. This is cumbersome, inconvenient and to be honest, I would expect macOS to be capable of locally differentiating which language a text is in.

Interestingly, this capability already seems to exist on iOS. If you select text in english and then german, and select “Speak” the voice will switch to the matching language.

Apple, why does this important feature not exist in macOS?

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